Deepika Padukone, Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi started the shoot of Shakun Batra's relationship drama in Goa last month. The film was scheduled to go on floors in March this year but got pushed ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On Monday evening, Deepika, Siddhant and Ananya returned to Mumbai from Goa.
Deepika, for the journey back home, opted for an oversized shirt dress and went for casual white sneakers. With her hair done in a messy bun, the actress was seen wearing a mask. Ananya and Siddhant kept it cool and chic in jeans and tee.
In the month of September, Deepika had to return to Mumbai to appear before the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for questioning in the alleged Bollywood drugs case. She returned to Goa after a few days and resumed shoot.
(Source: Instagram)