Karan Johar hosted a lavish birthday party for his Dharma Productions CEO and close friend Apoorva Mehta last night at a plush hotel in Mumbai. Apoorva, who is turned 50 yesterday, celebrated his big day with KJo and all his friends from the industry. Attending the party were Bollywood's current favourite couple Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal and rumoured couple Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani, who made their first public appearance together.
Katrina and Vicky stole the show as they made a late-night entry at Apoorva's birthday bash. The couple, who tied the knot on December 9, 2021, arrived hand in hand and was all smiles for the paparazzi.
Rumoured couple Rakul and Jackky also made an entry together and posed for the cameras.
(Source: Viral Bhayani)