
Peeping in The Future with Sanjay B Jumaani | Weekly Numerology Predictions

Weekly Predictions

Number 1 (SUN)

(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month)

Lots of ideas are hovering in your mind that might need to be implemented or evaluated. Some ideas could be brilliant, whereas some need to be chucked. Discuss your thoughts with people who are able to guide you in the right direction to take a decision. You might find yourself getting more organized and planning better as time passes. Romance may also keep you occupied and energized.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday

Number 2 (MOON)

(Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month)

The week ahead may make you go through some tough, as well as easy times, both, on the personal & professional levels. You might be able to manage your finances for the time being. Nevertheless, things need to be re-evaluated once again, and reorganized if need be. Try to be expressive about your discomforts to your loved ones if you want them to understand you in totality.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday

Number 3 (JUPITER)

(Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month)

Issues on the domestic front may have been bothering you for a long time now. However, by the end of this week you might probably get relief from the tension, and also be able to separate unnecessary stress from interfering in your future life. People in the investment field would need to go slow with their expansion plans. Time is indicating you to flow with the tide and keep your spirits high.

Lucky Days: Tuesday & Friday

Number 4 (URANUS)

(Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month)

There could be a sense of contentment that will pervade everything you undertake. People stuck on the professional front due to pending issues might be able to complete the same effectively.  You may also come across-new areas of partnerships or associations that would attract you to take risks in life. Nevertheless, reason things out logically with people you trust before taking the step ahead.

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday

Number 5 (MERCURY)

(Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)

There can be a lot of pleasant activities happening in your life this week. Things seem to settle in the order that you had wished, as far as career is concerned. New challenges and expectations might motivate you to excel at your skills. However, there might be times when you’ll feel moody, and not have the urge to do anything at all. Overcome such temporary phases in life with your determination.

Lucky Days: Wednesday & Friday

Number 6 (VENUS)

(Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)

Your decisions could confuse things on the professional front, and make a mess out of the situation. Try not to leave crucial conclusions to intuitions, and logically act upon improving the scenario. Avoid falling into debates with people in the management or your seniors. This might help you to safeguard yourself till circumstances take a full turn in your benefit.

Lucky Days: Tuesday & Friday

Number 7 (NEPTUNE)

(Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)

Professionally, the week might turn out to be productive in terms of tying loose ends & taking things to the finish line. Seniors might encourage you, and shower you with added responsibilities. Try to avoid arguments, and do not let others bother you unnecessarily. Students would be able to break through the limitations they may have been experiencing, and step-up the ladder of success!

Lucky Days: Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday

Number 8 (SATURN)

(Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)

There are chances of small rifts at the personal level that might disturb your mental peace. You might also feel things going in the wrong direction on the work front. However, do your deeds, and become a patient spectator before acting on impulse. Give some time to things to unravel in your favor, and it all shall just end the way you had probably desired.

Lucky Days: Wednesday & Friday

Number 9 (MARS)

(Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)

There may be instances during the week that might compel you to take some important decisions on the work front. This would go against some of the people you care for, but be the most appropriate thing to do in a larger perspective. Try not to fall into baseless arguments, as you might not always win them. Let time do the talking and clarification, if needed.

Lucky Days: Tuesday & Friday
