
Binny And Family Review : Strong story and stellar cast, Let down by weak direction and editing

Film: Binny And Family

Director: Ssanjay Tripaathy

Cast: Anjini Dhawan, Pankaj Kapoor, Himani Shivpuri, Rajesh Kumar, Charu Shankar

Rating: 2.5 Moons

Whenever two different generations are portrayed in a film, the makers tend to be biased towards one generation. But in Binny And Family, the case is different. The film is about two different generations and their thoughts, with both being right in their own thinking. Binny is a punk and rebellious girl, while her grandfather is a traditional and conservative man. Both have different views, and that is the specialty of this film.

At the start, the audience gets to know the contrasting nature between Binny and her grandfather. Binny's life is full of her rebellion, while her grandfather is trying to maintain his simplicity and traditions. After a dramatic incident that brings their lives together, the story takes a new turn. Will these two be able to develop an understanding and friendship? The central message of the film is, "Every generation thinks that we are smarter than the generation before us and more intelligent than the generation after us, but it is not so." This dialogue adds depth to the story and forces the audience to think.

Anjini Dhawan, who plays Binny, did not perform well; her monologues are also a bit lacking. The rest of the cast has done a decent job. Pankaj Kapoor wins the hearts of the audience with his performance, and Rajesh Kumar also deserves a special mention. Himani Shivpuri has given an effective performance in limited time, while Charu Shankar has portrayed the mother-daughter relationship from which we were expecting more.

Director Ssanjay Tripaathy could have done better job in presenting the story. The direction seems lacking at places, but the strength of the story elevates it. Tripaathy's approach gives this film a different feel, where neither generation has been blamed.

Music plays an important part, but has not been given the required attention. Good music could have given more depth to the emotions of the film and even made its presentation more impressive. The editing is also disappointing at times. Many scenes suddenly turn to black screen, which weakens the story. 

Overall, Binny And Family is otherwise quite a heartwarming film that highlights the distance between two generations and the complexities of relationships. It teaches us that despite differences, relationships can be strengthened by understanding and love. 


