By Team PeepingMoon | 02-May-2024

Kasoombo Review: Vijaygiri Bava's historical saga on bravehearts is revolutionary and engaging

Film: Kasoombo

Cast: Dharmendra Gohil, Raunaq Kamdar, Shraddha Dangar, Monal Gajjar, Darshan Paandya

Director: Vijaygiri Bava

Rating: 3.5 Moons

Gujarati cinema has witnessed a boom in the past few years with the new wave of actors and directors. As we.....

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By Mr. Moon | 30-Apr-2024

The Kashmir Files to Kasoombo, Bollywood Goes Bold: Agenda-Driven Films Spark Conversation

Bollywood is known for its vibrant song-and-dance, epic romances, and larger-than-life heroes. However, a recent trend is seeing filmmakers taking on challenging themes to explore social and political issues. This.....

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