By Tanmayi Savadi | 25-May-2021

PeepingMoon Exclusive: Film industry has suffered due to COVID-19 pandemic, Govt. should provide relief as it is the backbone of India- Actor/producer Vikaas Kalantri

Due to COVID-19, people were introduced to the concept of 'Work From Home'. Sofas and couches replaced office chairs and comfortable pyjamas became our OOTD. People got used to.....

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By Kritika Mehra | 06-May-2020

Fun, colourful and unfiltered! Talk show host Jimmy Fallon gets chatty about his work-from-home scenario for People Magazine's current issue

Jimmy Fallon and is indeed a family-man and there is no denying this inevitable fact. But being stuck in quarantine is not bringing his spirits down; quite the opposite actually. 


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