Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya is currently playing the lead role alongside Karan Patel in Ekta Kapoor-led Balaji Telefilms' Yeh Hai Mohabbatein. The show, which premiered in December 2013, traces the journey of Raman (a Punjabi) and Ishita (a Tamilian). It also talks about divorce, infertility, remarriage, along with other societal issues and has been appreciated by the masses.
PeepingMoon.com was the first to inform you that Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, which has completed 1500 episodes, is all set to go off the air in October this year after ruling hearts for almost five years. Moreover, the cast and crew of the show will now fly to the USA to shoot its finale in September. And the final episodes will air in October.
RECOMMENDED READ: EXCLUSIVE: Yeh Hai Mohabbatein to end in October; Divyanka moves to web-series
What's more? With the show coming to an end, its lead star, Divyanka or Ishi maa will move on to the next project. She will start working on a web-series, produced by Ekta Kapoor for ALTBalaji, and will play the role of a chef in her digital debut. Ekta confirmed the news on Twitter and called the show as a "love story between two chefs."
Talking about Divyanka's role in the show, a source informed a leading daily, "The show will be a mature love story. It will be an emotional tale and will also have a tinge of comedy. Both Ekta and Divyanka are quite excited to start this new journey. Once the male lead is confirmed, the show will go on floors. It’s expected to launch by end of the year. Popular author Jaya Misra will pen the story for Ekta."
Well, now we certainly cannot wait to see Divyanka in her new avatar.