Netflix's new Telugu film Krishna and His Leela starring Siddhu Jonnalagadda, Shraddha Srinath and Seerat Kapoor allegedly showcases "Hinduphobia" and is an "insult to Hindu Gods and Goddesses", accuse Twitter users. The recent Telugu film, directed by Ravikanth Perepu, has hit the streaming giant Netflix recently skipping a theatrical release. Netflix India has courted controversy after the film a male character named Krishna having sexual encounters with several women and one of them being named Radha. The names of the Hindu deities in a show with erotic content has irked people and 'Boycott Netflix' is now trending on Twitter.
Not only this but in an unexpected turn, a complaint was lodged on the film by a person named Rakesh. In the complaint filed against Netflix and Suresh Productions, Rakesh alleged that the film offended the religious sentiments by using the name of Hindu god Lord Krishna and portraying the protagonist character in a bad light. As of now, no formal action is taken on the film's cast and crew.
A Twitter user wrote: "Netflix done it again, Web Series called "Krishna & His Leela" showing Krishna have sexual affairs wth many women & one of them named as Radha. The audacity to openly target #Hinduism wth lies, deceit, propaganda Why always insult our Gods? Because @NetflixIndia is Hinduphobic."
Netflix done it again,
Web Series called "Krishna & His Leela" showing Krishna have sexual affairs wth many women & one of them named as Radha.
The audacity to openly target #Hinduism wth lies, deceit, propagandaWhy always insult our Gods?
Because @NetflixIndia is Hinduphobic— Sangacious (@sangacious) June 28, 2020
A few Twitter users have also accused Netflix of "destroying moral values" by "using sex to engage audiences".
We all should #BoycottNetflix as @netflix & @NetflixIndia are indulging is promoting Hinduphobic content via web series like Sacred Games, Leila, Ghoul, Delhi Crime etc.
Its recent web series #KrishnaAndHisLeela has tried to insult highly revered Hindu Gods - Shrikrishna & Radha
— HinduJagrutiOrg (@HinduJagrutiOrg) June 29, 2020
Enough is enough. @NetflixIndia is no longer a streaming service but a white-listed p**n platform targeted against the faith of millions of Indians. It's time the content on Netflix is regulated. @rsprasad @TRAI @DoT_India #KrishnaAndHisLeelaOnNetflix— Madhav Agarwal (@madhav_agar) June 29, 2020
(Source: Pycker)