Priyanka Chopra's and Nick Jonas's wedding was nothing short of a fairytale. With the grand setting, lush wardrobes and a little stardust, the wedding celebrations were truly magical. The couple hosted a reception yesterday in Delhi after the ceremonies in Jodhpur. While Nick and Priyanka definitely stole the spotlight, Peecee's bridesmaid Sophie Turner was the one who made 'em stop and stare!
[caption id="attachment_176194" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Sophie Turner with fiance Joe Jonas at Nickyanka's Delhi Reception.[/caption]
Recommended Read:Check out how Sophie Turner made for the cutest bridesmaid in her Indian outfits at the Nickyanka wedding celebrations
The Game of Thrones actress looked absolutely ethereal in this beige Sabyasachi number that she wore for the occasion. Turner paired her outfit with jewelry from the designer's collection.
[caption id="attachment_176207" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas with their family[/caption]
Sophie dazzled in traditional Indian attire during Nickyanka's wedding festivities in Jodhpur too. Serious #BridesmaidGoals right there, innit?